Tuesday, December 28, 2010

For the Love of Food

I love food. I love to cook it, smell it, taste it, experience it. Food brings people together. We celebrate and grieve over it. Life is lived over it. Traditions are formed around it...at least they are in my family. Giggle.

And what better time of year to discuss traditions and food than Christmas. A few of us are December babies. My father in particular is a Christmas baby.

Out of fairness and love (and a great deal of self preservation) we celebrate his birthday on Christmas Eve. After a few years of trying to find the ideal birthday worthy, no hint of Christmas celebration meal, we have settled on a much loved tradition of fondue.

Over the years as we all become health conscious the fondue has gone from oil based to a broth similar to those offered at the Melting Pot. A coq au vin inspired broth is our favorite: white wine, brandy, chicken broth and seasoning. Yum!

Keeping the French theme and being somewhat cheese obsessed I christened my new baking pottery bowl and added some baked Bree with spicy mango chutney to the menu this year. Perfect!

Finish it with a slice of rum cake, heavy on the rum and you have Christmas Eve...I mean birthday at my house.


  1. That sounds wonderful! Loooking forward to more delicious food on your new blog :)

  2. You'll have me as a follower right away with that start! That cheese looks so good...
