Sunday, March 13, 2011

What's Not in My Fridge

Lately my inventive cooking is inspired by what's not in my fridge.

Case in point: I grew up Anglican and as a result participate in some of the Christian calendar events, like pancake Tuesday.

My mom's pumpkin pancakes are my absolute favorite and my parents were why not. Not thinking much about it the moment arrived to make them. "Where's the eggs?" Oh Oh. I'm not vegan. Yes, my house has been meat free for little over a month but I didn't think much about eggs. I just haven't had a need for eggs in a while. Shrug. What was once a consistent staple, had left the fridge.

Not to be deterred, Google it was...time to search for eggless pancakes. We tried this recipe: And were pleasantly surprised! The maple in the pancakes were a really nice touch! The consistency was different than what I was used to for a batter but the end result was absolutely the same and mucho delicious!!

So following this great experience I wasn't worried when staring down at my overcooked costco sized asparagus bundle. Not wanting to waste it I instantly thought of soup. I know there are cream asparagus soups but I don't keep cream or milk in my fridge.

No worries. Let's google.

And ta da the foodie blog world turned up another masterpiece: Roasted Asparagus Soup! Yum yum! Especially when I garnished it with hot sauce.

Drool! I'll take two bowls please.